Aquaheal Consumer Testimonies
Medicated Patient. Suffering from type 2 Diabetes for 10 years with visible symptoms especially itchy feet.
Consumed Aquaheal for 3 months with moderate consistency.
By the end of the 3 months, all the symptoms subsided completely. Diabetes lab test following the 3 months showed a 2-level decrease.
“Hopefully while I continue to consume Aquaheal water, my blood sugar level will continue to decrease since all my symptoms have subsided”.
— Salih Hilal Al Qallab, Amman-Jordan
Medicated Patient. Suffering from obesity, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.
Consumed Aquaheal water consistently and regularly without consuming any other water for one month, while taking medications.
After the first week of consuming only Aquaheal water: noticed that urine became clearer in color. After one month: visible improvement in health and lab test results. More energy, physical and mental.
“Comparing old test results and new ones after consuming Aquaheal water consistently and regularly for one month, I felt improvements, while continuing to take my medication of course. But comparing to when I was only taking my medication to when I started drinking Aquaheal alongside the medication, the improvements were very visible. I feel a great difference in my energy levels as well.”
— Adnan Al Jolani, Amman-Jordan