Aquaheal bottle Material & Storage
Material & Size
Currently, Aquaheal comes in 10 Liter plastic bottles.
10 Liters being the minimum size is due to the fact that Aquaheal is not water you drink when you feel thirsty; Aquaheal is water that is aimed for health improvement and needs to be consumed regularly and consistently. Having a 10 Liter bottle ensures that you buy less bottles, and get more water.
The material being plastic is thanks to its light weight and ease of use, transport, disposal, and of course cost, for us and for you! The bottle is easy for you to lift and use, whether you intend to mount it onto a water dispenser or pour it manually.
As for the bottle cap, it arrives at your door sealed for your safety, and to ensure that you are getting brand new, unopened bottles every time. It is compatible with all water dispensers, as well as portable water bottle pumps and dispensers.
Storage & Disposal
Since it is contained in plastic, it is best to store your Aquaheal bottles away from direct sunlight. It is recommended to keep your bottles at room or cold temperatures, and away from heat sources.
Once your bottle is empty, dispose of it along with other plastics so that it can be recycled into useful new products. Do not reuse.