Aquaheal Personal Testimony Membership Terms & Conditions

Join Aquaheal’s Personal Testimony Membership by completing these simple steps:

Part 1 (Pre 4-Week Trial)

  1. Obtain an up-to-date medical lab test results document relevant to your health problems (test conducted within three months from date of application). Only applicable if you suffer from health problems that can be determined through blood tests.

  2. Upload your test results document and fill out the form on the Pre 4-Week Trial page.

After completion of Part 1:

  1. Aquaheal will contact you after having received and reviewed your test results and medical status form.

  2. If you have been selected, Aquaheal will deliver 4 x 10 Liter water bottles (which are sufficient for one person (the applicant) for four weeks).

  3. You will sign a one-page commitment document to complete Part 2 and receive your Aquaheal water bottles along with the Post 4-Week Trial form to help you track your health improvements.

Part 2 (During and Post 4-Week Trial)

  1. Be sure to maintain your normal daily lifestyle including diet, physical activities, medications, and supplements without any change during the 4 weeks. The only change should be the addition of drinking Aquaheal water instead of regular water.

  2. Observe, make notes, and keep track of any physical health improvements taking place during the 4 weeks of regular intake of Aquaheal (1.5 Liter/day).

  3. After the end of the 4-week free trial, conduct a new medical lab health test relevant to your health problems, upload the results document on the Post 4-Week Trial page and fill out the Health Improvements Form.

After completion of Part 2:

  1. Aquaheal will contact you after having received and reviewed your new test results and Health Improvements Form and arrange for a personal testimony.

  2. You will receive a 20% Discount on Annual Subscriptions for both Personal and Family Subscriptions.