Aquaheal Consumers fall under the following three categories:

Medicated Patients

Individuals who take medicine regularly based on doctors’ prescriptions.

Drinking Aquaheal can reduce their medicine dose levels based on comprehensive medical tests and doctors’ recommendations.

This category will enjoy the short-, medium- and long-term health benefits of regular and consistent consumption of Aquaheal.

Unmedicated Patients

Individuals who suffer from certain illnesses but do not take medicine.

Drinking Aquaheal can reduce their illness levels and improve their health as proven by our years of research and tests (see Health Benefits for details).

This category will enjoy the short-, medium- and long-term health benefits of regular and consistent consumption of Aquaheal.

Healthy Individuals

Individuals who do not suffer from any illnesses.

This category will enjoy the short-, medium- and long-term health benefits of regular and consistent consumption of Aquaheal.